Chief Steward Gets Recognized

They say organizing is the “Life Blood” of a Union. Most would agree. They say the best organizers come from within our “Rank and File” members. Most would agree. One member that truly agrees with those statements is Charlie Polizzi, Chief Steward at Taylor Chrysler in Hamilton.

Charlie has been working closely over the years with our Membership Development Coordinator Jim Killey and through many campaigns has helped build the membership within the Local. When asked about his contribution to the Locals organizing department Charlie said, “I come from a union background and union family. I believe in organizing. When a group of workers needs help within their workplaces, it’s our responsibility as members to get them the help they need.”

For Charlie’s dedication to the Local, pictured here is President John McCann and Local organizer Jim Killey presenting Charlie with a Teamsters Local Union #879 jacket. 

From the organizing department, “Thank you Charlie for all the help and dedication throughout the years you’ve given the Local and for being a proud union member.”

In solidarity,


John McCann