Teamsters Local Union 879 was originally started as a General Truck Drivers Union on September 21, 1945. It operated out of Hamilton, Ontario as that until it merged and became Teamsters Union Local 879 on September 19, 1968.
The Local moved from it’s original office on James St. in Hamilton to the New Teamsters Hall on Parkdale and Rennie where we stayed until 1999. The Teamster Hall on Parkdale was synonymous with Labour and even though it has been purchased by another Union it will always be known as the Teamsters Hall.
In November of 2013, we moved out to Stoney Creek on the Service Road where we could be seen by all driving down the QEW whether going to Niagara or Toronto bound.
The founding Executive Board of the Local comprised of Ray Taggart, Gordon Prodger, Joe Contardi, William Oswald, Arnold Wilson, Royce Arnold, Dan McIlravey.

Message From Our President

Dear Sisters and Brothers,
I know I speak on behalf of us all when I say thanks for your continued support. Your local union is in great hands and we look forward to the future.
With thanks to the ongoing efforts of your organizing department, we have been able to remain a major force in the Labour movement, not only within the Province of Ontario, but throughout Canada. Our average monthly membership sits at just over 6,200 members, with more and more new groups joining every year. With increased organizing comes a renewed spirit to the Local Union which strengthens all our collective voices as we deal with the ever-changing needs of the members and their families.
We are striving to be more technically in tune with members and to become more accessible to all through the creation, and regular updating, of a fully revamped local union website. This site will give members more access to all the local unions services as well as an interactive members portal to assist you as much as possible. We have been aware of the ever-increasing usage of the social medias and are excited about embracing the technology. It will allow members access to all your Local Unions activities, forms, health & welfare/pension information and documents online. As well as creating a membership email list that would enable your Local the opportunity to forward Local and Labour related information directly to you, the members, to keep you fully up to speed as to what is going on within the jurisdiction of Local 879, Teamsters Canada, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and the Labour movement in general.
I have always believed that an informed member is a happier member.
In closing, I’m sure there will be battles and I’m sure there will be strife but I’m also sure that regardless of what is thrown in front of us, collectively, we have what it takes to fight the fight thus providing you, the members of our great Local Union, with the dignity and respect in your workplaces and within your communities that can only be offered and achieved by being part of a Teamster collective agreement.
John McCann
Teamsters Local Union #879
Live Better, Work Union
At Teamsters Local 879 we believe strongly in the philosophy of Live Better, Work Union. Our duty as a union is to ensure that our members and their families are protected, well paid, and enjoy a dignified and respected voice in the workplace.
As a member of Teamster Local 879, you will enjoy the right to sit at the table across from your employer and negotiate terms and conditions that benefit you, your coworkers, and your families. As a member, some of the benefits you will enjoy will be…
- Collective Bargaining
- Seniority Rights
- Grievance Procedures
- Vacations
- Health & Safety
- Better Wages
- Pensions
- Voice in the Workplace