Recording Secretary

Hi Everyone
My path within the Teamsters Union began in 1988 in the Trucking Industry working as a Payroll Clerk for Charron Transport Limited in Chatham ON. Since that time I have expanded into other areas including Health and Safety Training, as well as the co-chair employee representative on the Health and Safety Committee.
Although the drivers and mechanics had been long time Teamster members it wasn’t until April of 1995 that the office staff, realizing the benefits of the Teamsters Union, officially signed on with Local 880 out of Windsor. I was elected Steward at that time and have remained in that role ever since.
In 2005 I was approached by then President Frank Biekx of Local 880, to see if I would be interested in filling a seat on the Teamsters Canada Ontario Women’s Caucus. I jumped at the opportunity to get involved in a new capacity. I have since been elected as President of the restructured Teamsters Ontario Women’s Caucus (TOWC) in 2009 to which I proudly and passionately serve.
In 2010, Local 880 merged with Local 879 and 2011 brought about the opportunity to serve as a Trustee on Teamsters Local 879 Executive Board to which I feel privileged.
In 2016, I was brought on as a full time business Agent. I look forward to meeting and serving the membership in a new capacity.
In 2018, I was appointed as Recording Secretary of Teamsters Local 879.