AGF Rebar in Kitchener is hiring. Interested, please contact:
- Lenna Phenix
- Business Representative
- Teamsters Union Local 879
- 944 South Service Rd., Suite 201
- Stoney Creek, ON L8E 6A2
- 905-547-3231 or cell: 905-807-8037
Below is a list of Teamster companies looking for AZ drivers:
- Crown Trucking
- TST-CF Express
- Cooney Transport
- Connell Transport
- Tandet logistics
If you are interested in working within the Transport industry under a Teamster contract, please contact:
- Joe King
- Business Representative
- 1790 Dundas Street, Unit #22London, Ontario N5W 3E5
- TF: 1-800-659-7758
- T: 519-455-5180
- F: 519-455-4668
- C: 519-990-0279